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Sometimes, people don’t realize their calling until fate introduces an opportunity.

AirBoss employee Selena Bagozzi has always been a little obsessive when it comes to organization, but she never thought of it as something that could reward her with a fulfilling career

“Growing up, I actually wanted to do physical therapy,” Selena admits. But while working for a retailer, she discovered she really enjoyed inventory, especially the operational side of things. So when an opportunity presented itself in a new career line, she jumped on the chance.

Today, Selena is AirBoss Flexible Products’ superstar production supply coordinator. It’s her job to juggle various suppliers and make sure there are enough parts to keep the manufacturing lines running. Without her, there wouldn’t be enough materials for AirBoss to continue manufacturing car parts.

Selena Bagozzi - AirBoss

AirBoss Employees Love a Good Challenge

“I am obsessively organized. I really like things in their places, but I what I like the most is that not everything is the same every day.” As it turns out, ensuring no disruptions in inventory is a bit like being a detective and figuring out puzzles every day. This was especially true during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, as shortages rocked the world’s supply chains.

Because AirBoss works with suppliers all over the world, Selena’s job can be quite a handful. She has to coordinate logistics for shipping and receiving products from dozens of countries. If regulations change or a shipment gets delayed, she has to figure out how to get the parts into the country and onto the assembly lines to keep manufacturing moving. With her superhero-level organization skills, that’s rarely an issue.

Selena is always ready to overcome challenges and think outside the box to get things done. She recalls one instance when a shipment of parts from Malaysia was stuck at the port because of new tariff regulations. Selena and her VP worked diligently to become friends with everyone at the shipping company, port, and railyard. Using their newfound relationships, the two performed three months’ worth of work and got all the parts delivered without altering production.

Nominated for AirBoss’s Chairman Award

It’s this kind of solution-seeking personality that led to her nomination for AirBoss’s Chairman Award by her coworkers. After several rounds of selection, including one from the CEO, Selena ended up winning the prestigious award. It was especially rewarding considering she truly feels like her AirBoss team is like her extended family.

“This has been the best place to work at,” Selena said. “My management team helps me grow and learn to make my own decisions and mistakes.” That mix of mentorship and freedom has helped her build confidence, she says, and it’s key to her success at the company.

When she’s not saving the day at AirBoss, Selena is usually found running her teenage daughter to soccer and track practice. She also loves working around the house, doing arts and crafts, gardening, and decorating. You might also find her in the kitchen, cooking and baking away. Although she loves to bake, Selena isn’t a fan of sweets. Usually, that means there are always delicious cookies up for grabs.

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